Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Christmas ideas for the "do it yourself" guy

We've all been there.  What do you get the man who "tinkers" and fixes everything?  He has all the tools he needs (okay, they never have all the tools they need), it's been a rough year so you can't afford the that great big saw that he hints around that he wants (and who wants to give up their side of the garage for it).

Okay ladies, this part may be a bit difficult...listen.  I know, I know but the little things will help with some ideas for Christmas.  For example, he's off to the hardware store to get a "thingy," (because honestly...who cares what it is, right).  I don't know about you but my husband has every thingy under the sun...but he always is going out to get more (or different because it's not the right one).

Here is what I did one year for Christmas.  I recruited a friend (another do it yourself guy) and asked him, "What is it that you rarely use but never have.  The "thingy's" that you have to always go and purchase?"  I highly recommend that before you ask this question to have pen and paper ready because I thought it's just be a few thingy's.  I learned something...these men are, well, just a bit nuts.  After the tenth thing he told me (and after I took a deep breath) I stopped him and asked him to go to the hardware store with me.

So off we go...I give him my budget and tell him to go to it.  I have to say that what he was putting in the cart I was rolling my eyes at thinking this is the worst Christmas gift ever.  More and more went into the cart and I kept thinking "he's exceeding the budget" and he kept putting more and more into the cart.  I learned a valuable lesson here...they may not act like they understand budgets but when it comes to this stuff...these men know how to add quickly in their head.

Cart full and check out.  I will admit I was cringing every time I heard the "ding" of the register.  $9.72 UNDER budget (but not for long because he ran off to grab a few more things).  Now what?  Do I wrap each thing individually?  Silly me because my friend had that already worked out while shopping.  Use some "thingy's" to wrap other "thingy's" and at this point I was just along for the ride.

Every man is different so it's important to listen (or do what I did and enlist a friend who knows him...much easier) to help.  

Although I rolled my eyes and thought this would go into the book as the worst gift was a hit!

Men:  Please comment on what you would like to see in your "thingy" gift.

If you need any assistance Pueblo West Hardware can help you build your gift
222 S. McCulloch Blvd., Pueblo West, CO  

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